Fly Like An Eagle!

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Dear Friend,

How are you? What have you been doing since we last spoke? Last night, I went to a gathering in honor of my friend, Dawn Geschiere. Dawn is moving. I met Dawn through Rowan Tree. There is a core group of us from Rowan Tree that stay very connected. 

Dawn is moving across the country to start a new chapter in her life. So many connections are already happening. It appears that the universe is orchestrating the perfect move. Well, except that we/I will miss her terribly. Dawn is one of those gems that you don’t want to lose touch with. Dawn, a quote from Miss Frizzle from Magic School Bus comes to mind, “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.” You will be missed.

Fly Like an Eagle

Do you feel stuck? Do you say you want a change, but you can’t muster the energy to implement it? Yes, the thought of change can be paralyzing. Is it the lack of certainty? Am I afraid I might fail? “Duh, yesss!” Remember my inner critic, Brutta? She’s mean!

I rarely talk about my fear of failure. Do you? Apparently, no one talks about their membership in the Fear of Failure Club. So, what can we do about our fear of failure? We do whatever we are afraid of anyway. That’s easy for others to say. What was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s quote about fear? “There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself.” That might sound cliché but it’s true. What’s the worst that can happen if you put yourself out there for a new job or a new friendship? No matter how it may feel, you will survive! This may not, however, apply to activities such as skydiving.

I spent a lot of years holding myself back. I felt permanently stuck for years. I was terrified that I would be rejected. But the truth is that when I put myself out there, I wasn’t usually rejected. When I was, something better came along. I really do believe that if something I wanted didn’t happen, it was because my life was supposed to be better than I ever imagined. Imagination has many limits. Life has few.

So, what about being stuck when working on a project? You’ve gotten so far with a project and then you drop off. What is that about? Do you lose interest? Do you feel blocked? There is new research on how to get unstuck. In fact, there is evidence that we will start out being very interested and then slow down in the middle of most things. We get lost in the vastness of the overall goal. Often this is when we give up. But when we make a smaller goal, that can be motivating. Just one stroke of the paintbrush. Just 100 words of the novel. Then celebrate the small “win.”

If it’s a writer’s block, I’ve used Julia Cameron’s method of “morning pages.” Morning pages help you get everything out including the bad stuff. Or I’ve given myself a goal of writing 100 words. Goals give us self-respect. Try not to get into an all-or-nothing mindset. Appreciate your wins every step of the way.

If I’m stuck with a painting, I pick a paint color and make dots until I’m inspired. Setting smaller goals and sub-goals can really help. When Thom and I clean the house, we start out saying, “What can we get done in one hour?” We usually go longer because we’ve gotten into the groove, but we don’t have to.

The secret to success is being transparent and accepting your failures. Winners are people who can tolerate losing. Stay in the game.

Creativity & Mental Health

Now, when I feel stuck about something, I ask myself, “What am I resisting?” I might make a statement in my head or out loud that I’m interested in giving up the fear or the resistance. As I travel my life’s journey and meet these energy blocks, I decide if I want to be open and explore their purpose. Each step is an intention to get closer to unveiling the block. If the block keeps me safe, it can stay for now. If it is an impediment to my inner freedom, I let it go. This is when the clarity comes, and I am free to be open to the next leg of my journey.

My process is to stay aware and active at all levels of my life. This process weaves my spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and creative selves together so I can Fly like an Eagle!


Last week I announced that I’m planning 4 online meditation sessions on September 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th from 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM. I’ve received a good response. There is plenty of room for more. It’s online. The format will be simple.

  • Welcome
  • Quick introduction and check-in.
  • A reading that is meaningful.
  • 35-40 minutes of silent meditation.
  • A short closing.

I think it will be a great way to start the changing of the seasons. If you are interested in 1, 2, 3, or all 4 meditation sessions, hit reply and let me know if you are getting an intuitive hit to join me.

Thanks so much for showing up to read my blog/newsletter

Be kind. Be forgiving. Be Brave. Be Loving. Be Grateful. Be generous.

Creatively yours,


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